Step by step on how to setup your personal reading timetable | EngineMat

   Another important thing to note on personal reading is timetable setup, it is based on the basis of time management and schedule as i have explained on points on how to pass any examination. Below are things to consider before setting up your personal reading timetable:
  1. knowing the best way to plan your courses in the timetable
  2. planning your time 
  3. Always stick to your plan
  4. Knowing yourself

Knowing the best way to plan your courses in the timetable:
   This is an important way of planning your timetable, you are to write all your courses on paper in order to avoid mistakes in not putting some courses on the timetable.
   By so doing you would plan your timetable well, and you are  to know courses that you are not good at. For example lets say you are poor in mathematics, then you should give more priority in given more periods to mathematics on your timetable.

planning your time 
   Another important way to setup your timetable is planning your time on it. Know the period of time that you can spend on your studies. E.g some people can read for 6 hours, some 4 hours. It depends on you. And after that know how to manage that hours into periods including short break of 15 - 20 minutes depending on how you want to rest.

 Always stick to your plan
   Many students are lazy to go on the setup of their timetable,  which is wrong. Advisably stick to your plan, that is to go on your plans and at the end you would achieve your goals. 

Knowing yourself
   The fact here is that no two persons that look alike, no matter how they resemble each other there must be variation. That is to say everybody have his own mode and capacity. Important thing to note here is to know your self. I.e to know your study capacity.


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