Level 100 Course outline | EngineMat

As the Faculty Of Engineering is concerned there are various departmental courses which varies each semester and session. For Any Students to pass successfully with out a carry over, he have to atleast score E on any course.
The more Courses you pass, the more GPA/CGPA you got. Below is the full outlines of courses of both first and second semester.

GSP1201: Use Of English  2 Credits
  1. Collection and organization of materials and logical presentation. 
  2. Function and logical presentation of papers. 
  3. Use of library, phonetics, art of public speaking and oral communication.

MTH1301: Elementary Mathematics I (Algebra and Trigonometry)  3 Credits
  1. Elementary set theory: subsets, union, intersection, complements, Venn diagrams.
  2. Real numbers: integers, rational and irrational numbers.
  3. mathematical induction.
  4. real sequences and series.
  5. theory of quadratic equations.
  6. binomial theorem. 
  7. Complex numbers: algebra of complex numbers, the Argand Diagram, De Moivre’s theorem, n-th roots.
  8. Circular measure.
  9. trigonometric functions of angles of any magnitude, addition and factor formulae.

STA1311: Basic Statistics And probability I  3 Credits
  1. Generation of statistical events from set theory and combinatorial method.
  2. Elementary principles of probability.
  3. Types and distribution of random variables: Binomial, Poison, Hyper-geometric, and Normal distributions.
  4. Expectationand moment
  5. Randomvariables: Probability sampling from table of random numbers, selected applications.

PHY1210: Mechanics: 2 Credits
  1. Space and Time, frames of reference, Units and dimension.
  2.  Kinematics: fundamental Laws of Mechanics, statics and dynamics.
  3.  Galilean invariance.
  4. Universal gravitation, work and energy.
  5.  rotational dynamics and angular momentum.
  6.  Conservation laws

PHY1220: Electricity and Magnetism 2 Credits
  1. Electrostatics
  2.  conductors and currents.
  3. dielectrics.
  4. magnetic fields and induction.
  5. Maxwell’s equations.
  6. electromagnetic oscillations, waves and Applications.

CSC1201: Introduction to Computer Science  2 Credits
  1. History of Computers, functional components of computer, characteristics of a computer.
  2.  problem solving; flow charts, Algorithms. 
  3. computer programming: statements, symbolic names; arrays, subscripts, expressions and control statements.
  4. Introduction to BASIC OR FORTRAN programming language and computer applications

CHM1241: Organic Chemistry:  2 Credits

  1. Historical survey of the development and importance of Organic Chemistry.
  2. Nomenclature and classes of organic compounds.
  3. Homologous series,functional groups, isolation and purification of organic compounds.
  4. Qualitative and quantitative organic chemistry.
  5. Stereochemistry, determination of structure of organic compounds, electronic
  6. theory in Organic Chemistry, Saturated hydrocarbons, unsaturated hydro-carbons.
  7. Periodic table and periodic properties, Valence forces, Structure of solids.
  8. The Chemistry of selected metals and non- metals and qualitative analysis.

CHM1231: Inorganic Chemistry  2 Credits
  1.  First row transition metals. 
  2. Introduction to co�ordination chemistry including elementary treatment of crystal field theory.
  3. Comparative Chemistry of the following elements: (a) Ga, In, TI, (b) Ge, Sn, Pb, (c) As, Sb, Bi (d) Se, Te, Po. 
  4. Elementary introduction to Organometalic Chemistry. 
  5. Role of metals in biochemical Systems.

PHY1170: General Physics Laboratory  2 Credits
  1. This introductory course emphasizes quantitative measurements, the treatment of measurement errors, and graphical analysis. 
  2. A variety of experimental techniques will be employed. 
  3. The experiments include studies of meters, oscilloscope, mechanical systems, electrical and mechanical resonant systems.
  4.  Light, heat, viscosity, etc.

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