Level 200 verified courses | EngineMat

  As a second year student, You need to know more concerning your semester. I.e knowing the whole courses in that semester so as to know how to improve your Academics.
  The table below show level 200 courses, including both first semester and second semester courses as in the faculty of engineering Academic standards. It show courses codes, tittles, credit units, Hours per semster and remarks.
  The courses are conducted in the Faculty of Engineering and are common to Civil, Computer, Electrical, Telecommunication, Agricultural and Mechanical Engineering students. These are considered to be compulsory courses, They are all core and must be passed.
  Care should be taking while registering the courses, because any mistake and leads to carrying over a course. Comfirm your registered courses using our table below, departmental handbook or any academic reference. You can also verify it from your level coodinator incase of mistake/doubts.

Check the tables below..........

Course Code Course Tittle Hrs per Sem Credit Unit Status/Pre-requisite Course(s)
GSP2204 Found Of Nig Culture,Govt and Economy 30 2 cognate
GSP2206 Peace And Conflict Resolutions 30 2 "
GSP2201* Use Of English 30 2 core
EGR2204 Workshop Practice 90 2 "
EGR2205 Thermodynamics 1 30 2 "
EGR2206 Materials Science 1 30 2 "
EGR2207 Principle Of Electrical Engineering 1 30 2 PHY1220
EGR2301 Engineering Mathematics 1 45 3 MTH1301
EGR2304 Laboratory A 135 3 "
EGR2306 Applied Mechanics 45 3 "
TOTAL 21(or 23)

Course Code Course Tittle Hrs/Sem Credit Unit Remark
EGR2101 Engineer in society 1 15 1 Core
EGE2102 SWEP 1
1 "
EGR2103 Experimental Method and Analysis 15 1 "
EGR2201 Fluid Mechanics 30 2 PHY1210
EGR2202 Solid Mechanics 1 30 2 Core
EGR2203 Engineering Drawing 60 2 "
GSP2202* Use of library,study skills and CIT (DE ONLY) 30 2 "
GSP2205 Logic And phylosophy <30 td=""""> 2 Cognate
EGR2208 Principle of Electrical engineering II 30 2 PHY1220
EGR2302 Engineering Matematics 45 3 Mth1330
EGR2305 Laboratory B 135 3 Core
EGR2313 Computer programming 45 3 Core

For Mechatronics, Chemical And Petroleum engineering students, they have there departmental courses which should also be registered during course registeration. Fairlure to do so would results to carrying over the courses
These courses are shown on the table below:

Course Code Course Tittle Hrs/Sem Credit Unit Remark
CPE2301 Principle Of Chemical Engineering 1 45 3 core
PEE2201 Introduction to petroleum Engineering 1 45 2 "
EGR2104 Introduction to Mechatronics 1 45 1 -

Course Code Course Tittle Hrs/Sem Credit Unit Remark
CPE2302 Principle Of Chemical Engineering 2 45 3 core
PEE2202 Introduction to petroleum Engineering 2 45 2 "


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