Level 100 verified courses | EngineMat


The tables below show level 100 first semester and second semester courses verified by the faculty of engineering Academic standards. It show courses codes, tittles, credit units, Hours per semster and remarks.
The courses shown below are conducted in the Faculty of Engineering and are common to Civil, Computer, Electrical, Telecommunication, Agricultural, Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering students. These are considered to be preparatory courses, They are all core and compulsory.
Care should be taking while registering the courses, because any mistake and leads to carrying over a course. Comfirm your registered courses using our table below,departmental handbook or any academic reference. You can also verify it from your level coodinator.

Check the tables below..........

Course Code Course Tittle Hrs/Sem Credit Unit Remark
MTH1301 Elementary Mathematics I 45 3 Core
STA1311 probability 1 45 3 "
GSP1201 Use Of English 30 2 "
PHY1210 Mechanics 30 2 "
PHY1220 Electricity And Magnetism 30 2 "
PHY1170 Physics Practical 1 45 1 "
CSC1201 Intro to Computer Science 30 2 "
CHM1231 Inorgnic Chemistry 30 2 "
CHM1241 Organic Chemistry 30 2 "
TOTAL 315 19

Course Code Course Tittle Hrs/Sem Credit Unit Remark
MTH1302 Elementary Mathematics 2 45 3 Core
MTH1303 Elementary Mathematics 3 45 3 "
GSP1202 Use Of Library, Study skills and ICTs 30 2 "
PHY1230 Behaviour Of Matter 30 2 "
PHYSICS1180 Physics Practical 2 45 1 "
CHM1251 Physical Chemistry 30 2 "
CHM1261 Chemistry Practical 90 2 "
TOTAL 315 15


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